About Us

Learn, Lift and Lead. Immerse yourself in the many gems of life knowledge.

Chee Sian

Wee Chee Sian BEng (MPE) NTU, MEng (ETM) UniSA

Email: icefire906@hotmail.com

Wellness Advocate

NGH Certified Hypnotherapist

Master Hypnotist

5-PATH® Hypnotherapist

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner


Rajesh Gill

Email: rajeshgill@hotmail.com 

NGH Certified Hypnotherapist

Master Hypnotist

5-PATH® Hypnotherapist

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher

Certified Pranic Healer

Certified Quatum Touch Practioner

ISA Certified Arborist


Anne Lee B.A.(Hons) in Psychology, State University of New York at Buffalo

Email: enquiries@lahyp.com

NGH Certified Hypnotherapist

Master Hypnotist

5-PATH® Hypnotherapist

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner

Certified Action Learning Coach

Leading with Questions Coach

Enneagram in Business (Leadership)


Vince Shen Bachelor of Economics & Finance, RMIT

Email: vince.wj.shen@gmail.com

NGH Certified Hypnotherapist

Master Hypnotist

5-PATH® Hypnotherapist

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® Teacher

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner

"Our advocators appreciate the choice and flexibility introduced to their life as well as improvements made in areas of their financials, physical and emotional well-being."

All natural holistic living will help improve quality of life.